Shopping dictionary

Hello everyone! While most of us are familiar with these terms flying around all the time and pasted on the back of so many products on the actual and virtual shelves, from time to time we may forget what they actually stand for. Here’s a quick ready reckoner for the terms that many of our shopping choices contain. Do write in to me if I’ve … Continue reading Shopping dictionary

Product Review: Wild Ideas Pit Paste

A lot of people might frown a bit at this one and wonder…really? Underarm deodorant is something that doesn’t get written about too often I feel. It’s something everyone’s used at least once in their lives and usually when they are in a tearing hurry and need to not stink. Beginning with the aerosol sprays which smelled pretty good but did a good bit of … Continue reading Product Review: Wild Ideas Pit Paste

Product Review: Moisturising Body Oils

I got introduced to this brand- Wild Ideas when one of our initial guest reviewers recommended one of their eco-friendly products. That the profits from this brand benefit disadvantaged rural women, is merely the icing on the cake for me personally. Over time I’ve been using their soaps, their dishwashing liquids, floor cleaners and and the product that I’ll be reviewing today- their moisturising body … Continue reading Product Review: Moisturising Body Oils

Product Review: Pure Cult Laundry Detergent

I’ve been on an eco-friendly kick for a while now. I am still actively looking for products for everyday use that have either been sourced without harming the environment, made without too many chemicals and additives and finally; those which don’t impact the environment adversely while they’re being used and disposed. And while I’m not a green warrior by any stretch of the imagination, I’ve … Continue reading Product Review: Pure Cult Laundry Detergent

Product Comparison: Eco-friendly Laundry Detergent

I have been looking for more alternatives for my home-cleaning needs. I was happy with whatever I was using because things looked and were cleaner but the run-off from those cleaners used to make me uncomfortable. I have been wondering about how genuine and effective the eco-friendly cleaners can be and I tried out three of them for a period of a few months and … Continue reading Product Comparison: Eco-friendly Laundry Detergent

Product Recommendation: Eco-Pencils

In this day and age when more and more kids are using technology to type things out or using voice-to-text software instead of writing things out, the recommendation of pencils might come as a surprise to many. But these pencils are special! Not only are they made of recycled paper, they literally complete the cycle by going back to the beginning. Here’s how. Each pencil … Continue reading Product Recommendation: Eco-Pencils